This week is going to be a BIG week at our house. Maddison starts Kindergarten this Wednesday. She's growing up so fast. It still hasn't really hit me yet. I am so excited for her and sad at the same time. I know she is going to do great.
It's hard to believe that my little girl, and I mean little, is going to be in Kindergarten.
Me circa 1985, Kindergarten. Yes Maddie gets one thing from me. The hair!
She had her check-up exam and immunizations at the doctor a couple of weeks ago. That was a fun day. She did better than I expected. She was fine with everything until she saw that she was getting shots too. Any one want to guess what her height and weight were?
She's probably going to be just like her mama was in school. One of the smallest kids in class. She weighed in at a whopping 35.2lbs and is 39 1/4inches tall.
It's no shock to me, since I can still pick her up. But her size doesn't stop her. She can go allllllllll day long.
Stay tuned.....there will be more to come.