Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend rap-up......

Ok, I know this will seem like I am complaining, but I just wanted to show you this.
I don't understand how this is even possible. I try to keep things around our house picked up. And Maddie likes to help "destroy" them. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my sweet child, but she's like a 2 foot tornado! I can pick up all her toys and with in a few seconds her room can look like this....

Ahhh...much better. I wonder how long it will stay like this?

But here is something much more enjoyable!
Saturday night we went to a birthday party for Maddie's cousin Cassidy. She turned the big 12! The sad thing, Cassidy is almost as tall as me!

Yummy birthday cake....

Make a wish!

Time to open presents..

Cassidy's sweet dog "Tucker"...

We had such a good weekend, except the weather was a little cooler. I hope and pray the next weekend will be super nice for Easter Sunday. Have a good week everyone!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hair today, clippie tomorrow.....

Here is some of the latest at our house.
Miss Maddie has a "new" hobby now. It's fixing her own hair.(which can be scary at times)
She got some new hair clips from her Grammy, and she took it upon herself to put them in her hair. All on her own.
She couldn't have just one or two. Oh no we had to have ALL of them!
Do you think hairdressing is in her future??
Look out here's America's Next Top hair model!!!!

How's my hair?

Hope everyone has a good day!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First day of Spring?

According to the calendar, today is the first day of Spring. That may be true in other places, BUT not in Kansas.
Instead of blue skies, birds chirping, and sunshine we woke up to this.....SNOW!!!!!

The wind was blowing so hard, it made these wonderful snow banks all along the road....

It never fails that toward the end of March, mother nature decides that she isn't done with winter weather just yet. We only got like 2 inches, so I should complain too much.
That is way better than what happened last year at this time. We got like 2 feet of snow. Not to mention that we lost power during that freak storm.
Hopefully we will see Spring weather sometime soon. Lets just hope it warms up in time for Easter. I would really like to hide Maddie's Easter eggs outdoors this time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Keeping up with "P".....

Today I stayed home with Maddie since she is being doctored for pink eye. But she say's "I don't have pink eye, I have brown two eyes." I have a funny video with that line in it, but I will have to wait and post that later.
So I gave Miss Drama Queen a new nick name, "pinky". That's what made me think of the letter P. Now I feel like I should be on an episode of Sesame Street.
Hey I should get some credit for coming up with all of these, plus I was just keeping my mind busy.....

a Pouty child that didn't want to eat her dinner...

Preparing dinner....

Perfect Pumpkin Pie... (yes I made a pie and it is gooood.)

Prepping to wash dishes.....

Pretty Pink shirt for her grandma...

Pretty Pink Princess tattoo.....

scrapbook Page....

Can you tell that I was trying to keep busy today? Plus it gets a little boring if you don't, and this helps make life more interesting, and that's the way I like it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pink What?

This is to all the Mom's out there who have had to experience this. For those of you that haven't I wish you luck.
It never fails that your children always get sick on the weekends. My sweet daughter is one of them. Bless her heart I know she couldn't help it, but you always wonder why now?.
Here's how it went:
Saturday I didn't have to work. So I thought oh goodie we can clean out the garage and get it organized. That didn't happen due to the weather. Maddie acted fine all morning, except she was a little tired from the night before. She didn't sleep well. Then later that same evening we were at home playing and I noticed Maddie's right eye had this HUGE yellowish eye booger in the corner. I thought to myself please don't let that be what I think it is. If you've guessed it you are correct. It was Pink Eye.

By Saturday night both of her eyes were draining. Most things don't gross me out, but this was just nasty. And to see it on my child's face made it even worse.
So this morning I drug Maddie to the Doctor. Her least favorite thing to do. So there goes her Spring break. Now it's eye drops three times a day, which are a pure treat to give to a three year old, and good 'ol antibiotic's too.
This week my two new best friends are Lysol spray and Clorox Wipes!
Let's pray that neither Mommy or Daddy get this.
Hopefully next week will be nice enough and NONE of these three will be sick so they can do what girls do best!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lazy day......

Sleeping Beauty.

This is pretty much how our day has gone today. I was hoping for some sunshine and warmer temps outside, BUT that didn't happen. Instead it's colder and windy. I am in high hopes for next week. The forecast says it's going to be the the low-mid 60's. Lets hope so.
Next week is "spring break" for Maddie. SO no pre-school! We will need that nice weather so we don't have to spend the week indoors. I don't know about the rest of you'll, but coloring, playing doll house and play-dough only go so far.
Hope everyone has a good week.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun with the Girls......

Holy cow I haven't been on here in 6 days! I've been slacking....Well here is the latest.
Last Sunday afternoon we went to Wichita and went....
Here: Sesame Street Live!

Maddie and I went with these three wonderful ladies...
Kate,Kennedy & Gentry

Waiting for the show to start...They kept busy playing with the Elmo spinner toys they got. (thanks to thier mom's)

The girls had such a good time. They saw Elmo, Big Bird, Abby Cadabby, Cookie Monster (Maddie's favorite) and all the Sesame Street gang!

It really made me feel "older". Here I was sitting with my daughter watching the same characters on stage that I used to watch as a child on t.v. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon with the girls.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cabin fever.......

I didn't think it would happen, but it did. Everyone in our house is finally over the sickness and conjestion. Maddie even woke up on her own this morning and said "Mommy, I'm ready to go to school today." Then I knew it was going to be a good day.

Do you see what I found today? It's starting to show! Our pretty green grass. Spring can't be too far away.....

Today was a wonderful day and to top it off it reached 60 degrees outside! It was beautiful. So Maddie and I played outside this afternoon. Lets keep our fingers crossed that the weather stays this way.
Maddison had to swing. It is her favorite thing to do when we play outside. She calls her swingset her "park".

This last Christmas Maddie got a John Deere Gator power wheels from her Grandpa David. I was praying that she wouldn't be scared of it. My wish came true. At first she didn't want to drive it, so I sat on it and gave it some gas to show her how fun it would be. Then she was hooked. She didn't want to stop, and she only ran over my foot once!


Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!