Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day.

It's Labor Day and I'm NOT doing any sort of labor.
I guess that's only for people that have jobs? Don't know really.
But being a wife and a mother is a FULL time job.
Except the payment comes in hugs and kisses.
So, here's to my labor (and I ain't talkin child birth)
Cleaning house.

It's NOT my favorite thing to do, but since I don't have a live in maid, things have to be done.

Dirty dishes.

I don't always mind cleaning up the dishes. Usually means that we've just enjoyed a good meal. And I like to cook and EAT!
Yuck. Enough said.

Some days I want to pretend that the dust is a light dusting of snow. Inside my house.

This I don't mind. (as much)
Only because I can't stand having crumbs or lint on my floor. Pet peeve I guess.
And of course, don't forget the Laundry.

NOT my favorite at ALL!!!
I think that if I could afford to pay someone to do my laundry, I probably would.
I know I shouldn't complain, I only do laundry for 3 people.
And I am blessed that I have a working washing machine.
I can't imagine what it would be like have to hand wash everything.
I think that would make me go crazy.

I'm sure that I've missed a few other house hold chores, but you all get the idea.
Hope everyone has had a "labor" free Labor Day!
Tomorrow is another day.

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