This post is me complaining. I feel that as an American I am going to use my first amendment right, and voice my opinion. Or rather type my opinion. After all, we should thank the men who fought for our rights for our country. Yes, I say men...Lets face it ladies, back in those days women weren't fighting on the war front. They were at home bakin bread and raising babies. But those times have since changed. But that's a whole other story.
For now I am sick of talking about it, and I'm sure that my loving husband is sick of listening to it. So I am going to vent my frustration blog style!
Why not? It's part of the reason I have a blog. Other than the fact that I am usually posting pictures of my family. BUT that is going to have to wait.
For this post I am complaining.
I don't usually do things like this, or complain too much,or even speak up for myself. I am always afraid that I might offend someone, or people will think bad things about me....But this time I am saying SCREW IT!!!!! I don't care if this offends anyone, or makes other people mad, or even if it makes people think differently about me. Not anymore, I just don't care.
That's pretty sad uh?
I am just down right....confused, sad, feel like I've been taken advantage of, and just plain MAD! And I have the right to be. Trust me, you would too.
You are probably thinking what in the hell is this
crazy gal talking about?
Well, to put it mildly, I freakin lost my job.
It's the second job that I ever actually liked in my life, and I lost it. And it's the second job that I've lost as well.
I can honestly say that I don't know how it even really happened. It was like one day everything is going great and then the next day you wake up, and your whole world is completely different.
Six years of the same job, a job that I really loved, ~Poof~ gone just like that. And the sad thing is, no-one even tried to work things out with me, or make it work so that I could still have a job. It's sad, really really sad. Sorry but it's not my fault that business is slow, and you have to cut back. Cut back on a person who only works part-time to begin with. How the hell does that happen in the first place? I will never know.
I guess they thought I was just going to sit by the phone and wait for them to call me, and say "Hey we are finally starting to get busy again, we could really use you at work." Well, SORRY that ain't gonna happen!
I am sick of people who say nice things, promising things to your face, and then turn around and stab you in the back.
Thanks a lot. You really know how to make a person feel good about them selves.
There I feel much better, for now.
Well, with all this free time on my hands, I guess I have plenty of time to figure out what comes next? Only time will tell.....