Here's what you will need:
Package bone less,skin less chicken breasts.
I pan fry the bird with a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil. Season chicken with pepper and salt. This gal goes easy on the salt.
Next, boil up some pasta! My favorite. I use Rotini noodles for this dish, but you could use what ever you like.
When the pasta is cooked, drain and toss the pasta into your favorite casserole dish. Next you are gonna need some of this. Butter. Or as I say "Butta". I cut up about 2-3 tablespoons and let it melt over the hot pasta. Hey I didn't say this was a healthy meal.
Now mix the butta in with the pasta.
Now that the chicky is cooked, cut it in to pieces and toss in with the pasta.
Here's where I like to add my seasoning. Now if you have a child in the house, they come in handy for this part.
I add dried parsley, and a little garlic salt.
Yes my child is wearing a pumpkin costume, but that's another topic.
Now here comes the special ingredient. I LOVE this stuff.
Pour the whole jar on top of the pasta and chicken. Then mix it all together. Caution:Here is where you will start drooling.
Next cover the dish with shredded mozzarella cheese. My fave. This task is also good for the kids.
Then when the cheese is on, slap that puppy in the oven @ 350 for about 20-25 minutes, until the cheese is all melted and golden bubbly!
Once it comes out of the oven, have some garlic bread near by and dig in!
Oh, that looks so good!! I am going to have to try that!!! :-)
Julia Child!
That was from mom
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